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Biking & Walking Safety

Resources for Biking & Walking Safety Education

Silhouette image of girl walking to school

Pedestrian Safer Journey  by the Federal Highway Administration - Includes age-appropriate videos with follow-up quizzes and discussion guides on safe walking. The material is divided into three age ranges: 5 to 9, 10 to 14, and 15 to 18. Also includes a list of additional resources and curricula from around the country for teachers and parents/caregivers. Available at: Pedestrian Safer Journey.

Child Pedestrian Safety Curriculum by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Teaches and encourages pedestrian safety for students in grades kindergarten through 5. It is organized into five lessons: walking near traffic, crossing streets, crossing intersections, parking lot safety, and school bus safety. Each lesson builds upon previous set of skills learned. Available at: NHTSA Child Pedestrian Safety Curriculum.

WalkSafe® by the University of Miami KiDZ Neuroscience Center - Organized into three levels for grades kindergarten-1, 2-3, and 4-5, and includes lessons using videos, outside simulation activities, and art projects. Supplemental materials include handouts, flashcards, and pre- and post-assessment tests. Available at: WalkSafe.

Silhouette image of a person riding a bicycle

Bicycle Safer Journey by the Federal Highway Administration - Includes age-appropriate videos with follow-up quizzes and discussion guides on safe bicycling The material is divided into three age ranges: 5 to 9, 10 to 14, and 15 to 18. Also includes a list of additional resources and curricula from around the country for teachers and parents/caregivers. Available at: Bicycle Safer Journey.

Bikeology by Shape America and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Aligns with the National Standards for kindergarten-12 Physical Education and includes lessons and assessments for skills and knowledge. Supplemental materials include a parent guide to reinforce the curriculum. Available at:

BikeSafe® by the University of Miami KiDZ Neuroscience Center - Contains four off-bike lessons to teach bicycle safety skills to middle school-aged children through interactive simulations, modeling, and creative activities. Supplementary materials include student worksheets and parent tip sheets. An on-bike lesson plan is also provided. Available at: KiDZ Neuroscience Center.

Bike Safety Quiz by Ride Illinois - Teaches kids, adults, and motorists how to share the road safely. Interactive quizzes for each audience cover safety techniques and relevant state laws. Available at: BikeSafetyQuiz.

Cycling Skills Clinic Guide by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Provides a step-by-step approach to planning and initiating an on-bicycle safety skills event, including instructions and resources for setting up and conducting a skills-training course. Available at:

Kids on Wheels Training Manual by the Active Transportation Alliance - An experiential, on-bike curriculum to teach grades 2-4 students to travel safely on a bicycle. Over three lessons, students are engaged in demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and on-bicycle riding skills activities. Available at: Active Transportation Alliance.

Cycling Savvy Essential ShortCourseCyclingSavvy

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety: 10-minute Lessons for PE Class by the Active Transportation Alliance - A series of brief pedestrian- and bicycle-themed lessons consisting of one 10- to 15-minute physical activity. Available at: Active Transportation Alliance.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety: 9 Lessons for the Classroom by the Active Transportation Alliance - A series of brief pedestrian- and bicycle-themed lessons designed to be delivered in a classroom setting. Available at: Active Transportation Alliance.