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Welcome to the redesigned Woodstock Community Unit School District 200 Website! We still have all of the same features you’re looking for including calendars, PowerSchool and MealTime connections, bus route info, news items, School Board information, bell schedules and much more.  The district site, and all 12 school sites, have been completely rebuilt. 

This new display, which was revamped over the Spring and Summer of 2024, should be easier to navigate from your desktop or mobile device. Whether you’re visiting the District page or your school page, we hope you have a positive experience finding whatever you need. As always, many of your questions and needs are just a click away and can be answered right on our website.

One new feature to note is the Families & Students tab, found on the district site, and at all schools. This page has been created to serve as a helpful “one-stop-shop” for all of the information needed on a regular basis by students or parents/guardians of a D200 student. Each school's Families & Students page includes links to information specific to that location, as well as a link to the broader District page.

We hope you’ll take some time to explore the new sites, and become acquainted with the features. If you have previously bookmarked specific areas, please update your bookmarks to the new URLs.

If you have questions or concerns, use the Contact Us button at the top of the homepage to reach out to us.